A Chief Information Officer is a fancy title, isn’t it? But the job of a CIO is actually pretty simple: They’re your chief advisor on all things technology. That means helping develop a realistic and effective IT budget, creating a long-term strategy for improving your technology and keeping it focused on your needs, and helping ensure you make the right investments in technology for your company. Sounds great, right? But only for the companies that can afford another C-level executive.
Remote Technology’s virtual CIO service is just that – providing all the benefits of a CIO without you needing to hire one directly. This is the cornerstone of everything we provide – the first step in our Transformation Service, and the recurring feature of our Guardian Service. Why is it so important? Because technology isn’t static – it is always changing, and we need to be ready to ensure you can change with it.
Serving as your chief advisor on all things technology means always being by your side, adapting to new circumstances and helping you use technology to keep your business at its best. We’ll be there to help replace technology as it ages, take advantage of new solutions and strategies to keep you competitive, and advise you on smart IT investments to maximize the return on your investment.
Let’s talk about how together we can plan for YOUR future and success. Call us today at (800) 478-8105 or send an email our way at support@remotetechservices.net.
Like our Transformation Service, the vCIO solution has three important steps: Assess, Roadmap, and Implementation. However, there’s an important fourth step that ties our vCIO solution to the Guardian Service as well, showing why it’s the cornerstone of your entire technology experience.
We’re here for the long haul with your company, and that means we need to know everything. It’s more than just learning about your technology; it’s finding out what your goals are, so we can help you work towards them with our solutions.
We’ll meet and just get to know each other, so we know how the other works and how we’ll work together. You talk about your goals, we’ll talk about how we can help.
Through a combination of interviewing your employees and analyzing your IT systems, we’ll find out what you use your technology for, what you want it to do for you, and what is working and ISN’T working.
Then, we can know where you already are in terms of your technology, and begin to plan for improvements.
It’s great to find out what you want your technology to do for you, but to get there we need to prepare a roadmap. That means addressing options and challenges.
We’ll talk about your budget and ensure that we work WITHIN it. No crazy purchases just because they look great, and a steady and realistic pace of improvement over time that is easy to prepare for.
Time is always a factor to consider – we’ve got to ensure the pacing of your IT strategy fits within your planning for the overall future of your business.
It’s easy to just grab any solution because it sounds good on paper, but we’ll need to assess the ability of your staff before installing any old service. Training might be involved to ensure you get the most out of your IT.
Listen To What Our Clients Say:
Everything comes together, and we actually create the IT Strategy for your business and start implementing it, step by step.
Together, we’ll decide what recommendations to follow, what will be worked on first, and what kind of pacing we want to go with. Then we’ll put it all together into an easy to understand plan with concrete steps that we can follow together.
As we begin to implement the strategy, we’ll be there by your side to oversee the improvements and ensure things stay on schedule AND within budget.
This is the most important part of our vCIO solution! As we move forward into the future, times will change, and so will your needs. This isn’t a static process – we have to always be ready to adapt to change so you can stay productive, efficient, and successful.
We’ll have regular meetings to assess your business and your strategy, so we can determine if any changes need to be made for course corrections.
We make plans to refresh your technologies as they age, so you can switch out systems before they can drag your productivity down.
We stay informed on new technologies so we can advise you on how they’ll affect your business and your strategy, either to prepare for new problems or to plan to adopt a new technology in the future.
Contact us today to learn how your business can benefit from the expertise and ethics of Remote Technology Services. Schedule your free no-obligation review of your business systems by calling (800) 478-8105 or sending us an email at support@remotetechservices.net today.
1293 Professional Drive
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(800) 478-8105
(843) 222-6198
Privacy is our policy. We may contact you from time to time with special offers but we will never sell or provide your information to anyone outside of our company.
Call (800) 478-8105 today to schedule your free technology assessment
Remote Tech Services provides IT Support & IT Services for businesses in Wilmington, Sunset Beach, Calabash, Little River, North Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, Florence, Conway, Longs, Georgetown, Charleston and throughout the Grand Strand.